Charity Challenge 2021 - Week 2 Night 1
Welcome to week 2 of the Charity Challenge where Rachel and I are playing board games every day for a month to raise funds for the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
To date we’ve raised $105 of our $600 goal! Thank you Aunt Barbara and Grandma for being our latest donors. If you’d like to donate (thank you!) you can do so here.
The Aside
Before we get started I just wanted to say that my thoughts and support are with the Victoria Park Collegiate family this evening. VP is the school that Saige attends and is also where I spent my formative years. Earlier this evening there was a stabbing at the school and everyone in the community is a little shaken up (to say the least).
The reason I highlight this here is because Saige and his friends are having to cope with this and it really highlights the importance of community resources as they relate to mental health.
You never know when or why you might need these resources, but you’ll be glad they are there if and when you do need them.
The Choice
Since Rachel won the dead rubber match of week 1 (I still can’t believe I lost at Crokinole) I get the choice of game to start us off this week. I’m going to pick a newer game to me that’s just something I want to play – a fun choice, not so much on the strategic side.
Tonight we’ll be playing Kokopelli

The Game
Kokopelli is a hand management card game where you maintain a collection of ceremonies that give you unique abilities. The only problem is you get points by finishing the ceremonies and the other players can end your ceremonies if you don’t. If you want to learn more about the game you can check out this video.

The Result
So given everything happening tonight (see the above aside) I was a bit distracted and didn’t super have the focus/motivation/energy for a solid teach of the game. So we agreed to muddle through a practice game for Rachel to learn the rules. I absolutely crushed her and she was not sure about the game.
So I went into the actual game pretty confident that tonight was my night and OH BOY WHAT A MISTAKE THAT WAS. Rachel absolutely went ham and focused up hardcore. In the end she pulled out a 56-49 win that I’m still sort of blown away by. Like guys, she literally didn’t fully grasp the game by the end of the teaching game and by the end of the game for the competition had just left me in the dust.
When that dust settled she made it clear in no uncertain terms that she has no intention of losing week 2, one way or another.