Charity Challenge Week 1 - Night 5

We’ve reached the end of week 1! Thank you everyone for following along and supporting us throughout this challenge. We’ve raised $100 of our $500 goal so far in support of CAMH, supporting mental health care, research and outreach in our community.

If you’d like to donate you can do so here. We really do appreciate your support and donations!

The Choice

Rachel is picking our game tonight as she lost at Second Chance last night. The stakes are low tonight as the week is already decided, tonight we’re playing for pride and for Rachel to stay within touching distance of the overall record.

Rachel has decided to pick something that we both love playing that’ll just be fun. Rachel has decided we’ll be playing Clank! (Rachel won in 2018, I won in 2017).

The Game

Clank! is many of my favourite things:  A deck builder where you push your luck adventuring through a dungeon.  In a deck building game you play cards to acquire more powerful cards.  In Clank! there’s an added complexity of a board that represents a dungeon you have to explore, acquiring treasure before the dungeon’s main baddy comes and kills you.  The various cards you recruit let you move faster, fight bigger monsters and ultimately get better loot to score you points.  The game also has a push your luck element, meaning that you can either quickly go into the dungeon and not get much loot but end the game before others can get out of the dungeon OR you can go deep and collect a large amount of treasure, but risk getting killed by the dungeon’s inhabitants.

Clank! is an absolute favourite of both of ours and I strongly suggest you A) get this game B) learn more by checking out this video.

The Result

Rachel made it clear she was going deep in the dungeon more or less right away and I decided I was going to play the aggro, I was going to dive in and get out quickly. But Clank! is a game that evolves and awards you paying attention to the other players and taking advantage of opportunities that come up. I was happily making my way across the board when I drew the right combination of cards that made it clear I had an opportunity to catch up into Rachel in the deeps….. I was torn, it was a change of plans. I decided to go for it.

Rachel ended up a little tilted by my chasing her down and she decided to play a mid strategy. Grabbing a mid tier treasure and deciding to get out. I managed to get to the very bottom and get the two largest treasures. Now the race was on – could Rachel get out and kill me before I could get out?

It got really close. It was clear I was going to die but could I get to the mid point and at least still score points? It was clear that I had picked up a LOAD of points.

Rachel successfully got out and started to draw attack cubes out of the bag. 4 health left. 2 health left. BAM. I was dead. But I had made it, I made it to the surface, although not all way out. I’d score, but not with my the bonus points for finishing.

Rachel did well but I crushed it, scoring my personal best (and best score I’ve ever seen)! The end result was 145 to 98 for me!

So that’s week 1 done and dusted – I’ve got the momentum coming out of the week 4 wins to Rachel’s 1 win. We’ve had 4-1 weeks in the past and they’ve always run counter to the way the overall competition goes. We’ll have to see if I can keep this up in Week 2. See you then!