Charity Challenge Week 2 - Night 4

Back for another Charity Challenge update. Apologies for the blog post being a little late, we’ve been super busy the last few days and while we’ve been doing the challenge, playing away, documentation is as ever the hardest part! But we’re here!

Thanks to Benjamin from Aureus Knights for his donation we are now at $160 of our $500 goal. Thanks for your donation man! If you’d like to donate and support our efforts raising funds for CAMH you can donate here.

The Choice

We’re sitting at night 4 of week 2 and Rachel is in pole position to sitting at 2-1. A win tonight will clinch her the week and put right back in the competition after I took the early lead in week 1. Because I won crokinole last night she gets to pick the game.

Rachel is running out of slam dunk win-games but tonight will be calling out as close as you can get to a sure thing (80%+ win percentage) – tonight we’ll be playing Cottage Garden.

The Game

Cottage Garden is a cousin to Patchwork, a game we’ve played in previous years of the competition (and likely will play later this year).  In Cottage Garden, like Patchwork, you are placing tetris shapes on a board trying to fill in spaces.  Cottage Garden is more straight forward than its cousin, there’s no currency or engine aspect to the game.  On your turn you simply take a piece and place it one of your two boards, the winner is the person who continually fills in their boards the fastest.  There’s a few other mechanics in the game that help you fill out your board but that’s more or less what it comes down to.  You score points based on the number of pots you leave uncovered on the board, by optimizing the way you place your pieces.

The Result

Throughout the game tonight it was looking like Rachel was a shoe in to win, but in the final round I really poured it on. In the last round you lose points depending on how long it takes you to finish your puzzles/gardens and Rachel finished hers quickly. I took a chance (and a bunch of minus points) to finish 2 additional gardens. In the end that was enough to put me over the top and upset Rachel in one of her best games!

Rachel will have to try again tomorrow to finish up the week, or maybe I can take it at the last minute? Find out tomorrow!