Charity Challenge Week 2 Night 5 - Crokinole

Week 2 has come down to Night 5 – you can cut the tension with a knife in the house, we both want this week win very badly.  If Rachel wins she’s starting to put some real day light between us in the competition and well on her way to putting her name on the trophy for this year, and if I win we’ve got ourselves a competition again.

Outside of household bragging rights we’re doing all of this to raise money and awareness for Toronto’s Sick Kids hospital.  There’s no donation too small and we appreciate all of your support.  If you’d like to donate or learn more please visit our Extra Life campaign page.

The Choice

Control of tonight’s game is in my hands and I’m pulling out the big guns.  There’s one game in this house that we both love but I suspect Rachel is getting tired of playing because of my win % versus her.  What’s my trump card to seal week 2?  The Canadian classic: Crokinole.

The Game

Crokinole is a dexterity game that plays out the dynamics of something like curling on a game board.  Crokinole is a cottage country classic, played widely and often taught by the elders and passed down to generations of grand children.  If you’ve never seen it played before you really should check out the championship games that are on YouTube (yes I watch them).  In the game you are flicking discs and if your opponent has no pieces on the board you are just trying to sink the disc in the hole in the middle of the board.  If your opponent has a piece on the board you need to hit their piece or your shot doesn’t count.

At our (relatively low) level of skill, the game is about controlling the board, making sure you keep your pieces protected and your opponents pieces off of the board.

If you’d like to see some great Crokinole played here is one of those championship videos I mentioned.  Please note – we are not this good.

Crokinole in action

The Result

Full disclosure – in 12 games played I have a 83% win percentage and the result was pretty rapidly heading in that direction.  By mid game (we played to 300) the score was 135 to 65 for me and I thought I had it.  Then Rachel really showed how badly she wanted to take this week, putting up a 90 point turn, I however managed to answer with 60 points to keep it tight.

After that I buckled down and while Rachel put up a good fight I managed to make my trump card pay off, in the end winning 345 to 235 (my final round I managed to sink 3 of my discs).

With that I’ve won Week 2 and the competition is all tied up 1 week to 1 week and 5 games to 5 games.

Week 3 is going to be great.  See you then!