Charity Challenge - Week 5 Night 4
Thank you all for following along with this year’s Charity Challenge. Given everything that’s been going on in the world this year we’ve found it’s more important than ever to focus on mental health. CAMH / The Center for Addiction and Mental Health is a wonderful cause and we’re proud of the funds we’ve been able to raise this year. Thank you all so much, from the bottom’s of our heart.
There’s still time to contribute in the closing days of the Charity Challenge. If you’d like to donate you can do so here.
Let’s crack on with what might be the final night of the Charity Challenge as I’m a win away from clinching the trophy!
The Choice
Rachel managed to stop my winning streak last night and that means that I’m in control of my own destiny. If I pick a game and win it tonight we’re all done.
I’ve gone back and fourth on what to pick tonight but I think I’ve landed on something that we’ll both have a lot of fun playing while at the same time I’m confident I can close out the win.
Tonight we’ll be playing Luxor

The Game
Luxor by Rudiger Dorn is a racing set collection game where you are in charge of a group of explorers who are exploring a tomb and claiming the treasure for yourself. It’s a fun family game that I would recommended for most family play groups. More details from the publisher’s description:
On the hunt for priceless treasures, groups of adventurers explore the legendary temple at Luxor. Their ultimate goal is the tomb of the pharaoh, but many treasures can be collected as they search. As they explore, the challenge unfolds: The player who manages to quickly get their team of adventurers to the tomb, while salvaging as many treasures as possible, will be the winner.
Luxor offers variable game play as the path that leads to the tomb is different for every game — and will even change during play!

For more details on the game, you can check out this video.
The Result
Towards the middle of the game I realized I might have made a terrible mistake with my choice. Rachel was building better sets, scoring more points and just generally kicking my butt. However I was collecting some good cards and building towards some great turns that really came off in the second half of the game.

After 3 years losing to Rachel I’ve managed to win 2 back to back! Rachel will be the first tell you that her name is on the trophy more times, so its still her trophy. That just means I’m going to have to come for it next year again!
Thank you
Thank you all so much. I’ll be back tomorrow with a wrap up post and to thank you all again and again! Fundraising will remain open until we push for our goal – so I’ll be in touch until we hit the goal!