Week 3 Finale & Week 4 Day 1
Welcome back to another Board Game Charity Challenge update. Rachel and I have raised $325 of our $500 goal for this month’s challenge! If you’d like to donate to our campaign supporting Toronto’s Sick Kids Hospital you can do so here.
Today’s update is a quick one, as we’re playing a bit of catch up as we’ve been struggling to keep on track with our challenge (but we’ve managed it, all caught up now) due to work, travel and lots of things going on.
To remind you where we are going in to today’s update Rachel is sitting at 2 weeks to 0 weeks and if she were to win this week the Bowsullivan Board Game Cup would be returning to Rachel’s hands for the second time. This week however I’m sitting pretty solid. We are 2-1 for me and if I manage to win this week I stay alive!
Week 3 – Nights 4 and 5
For Nights 4 and 5 we played our games while visiting some friends for a board game night. We went in to the night saying whoever won the most games would take the week. In the end we each won a game so decided to give a win to Rachel and a win to me so I won the week 3-2! We played Flick Em Up and Rhino Hero Super Battle.
Flick Em Up is a dexterity game where you flick discs in a cowboy Sheriff vs Bads set in the wild west. The game is an adorable shootout simulation where the first to kill 3 members of the other team wins. Rachel (with an assist from Leslie on her team) managed to win Flick Em Up.
For the second game of the night we played Rhino Her Super Battle. If you’ve been following our Extra Life charity efforts you would have seen us stream super battle before the challenge kicked off during our 24 hour marathon. There’s a video available of it on facebook that I cannot for the life of me find a link to at the moment (I’ll edit it in if I manage).
I came out strong in Rhino Hero Super Battle and never looked back securing the win and the week!
Week 4!
And so we’re off in to week 4! For night 1 of week 4 we started to mix it up a bit, and like last year played a favourite console game of ours. Last year it was Mario Tennis (which remains a favourite) and this year we decided on Puyo Puyo Tetris Switch. Puyo Puyo Tetris is a mash up of a famous Japanese game Puyo Puyo and Tetris. They are both puzzle games that require you to drop pieces in to play. We played best two out of three and I came out REAL strong and dominated Rachel in the first match. She came back strong in game two and it all came down to game three. In game three things were looking really even but Rachel burst super quick and caused me too much trouble and I wasn’t able to keep up.
So Week 4 is off to a winning start for Rachel! If she wins this week she takes the crown. I’ll be trying to make sure that doesn’t happen.